Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Chord of Lentera Jiwa-Nugie.

Hi guys! Have you heard Nugie's newest song ? Been idle for a long time from music producing, Nugie has just released his newest single song titled "Lentera Jiwa/The Lantern of My Soul". The song and its video clip is very interesting.

The song's theme is really hand in glove with us as human beings. It tells us that there are many people who actually are not comfortable with their current works. It can be caused by many factors. One of them is parent's will. They chose their careers because they followed what their parents wanted them to be. It also can be coming from the situation that forced in the past. When life is settled one just realizes that it's not what he or she wants to be. Or it can be caused by anything else.

For those who has gotten rid of the storm to choose their own path, this song encourages them to hang tough, because just by doing something with passion your soul is kept to be enlightened, as lantern does. For those who hasn't, it enlightens them to love what they do, and they'll do what they love. This simple rule of pursuing happiness has just come up to the surface, Nugie certainly thought out of the box when he was writing the song.

Lentera Jiwa

A F#m E D B7 E
Lama sudah kumencari apa yang hendak kulakukan
I've been searching so long what exactly I want to do
sgala titik kujelajahi, tak satupun kumengerti
I've journeyed all directions, none of them I understood
tersesatkah aku, di samudera hidup
Am I lost in the wave of life?

Kata-kata yang kubaca terkadang tak mudah kucerna
The words that I read, sometimes it is not easy to get a grasp of them
bunga-bunga rerumputan bilakah kau tau jawabnya
Flowers and grass, when will you know the answer?
inikah hidupku, inikah takdirku
Is this my life, is this my destiny?

A Bm D E
Kubiarkan kumengikuti suara dalam hati
I let myself follow the voice inside my heart
F#m C#m D
yang slalu membunyikan cinta
which always sings of love
Kupercaya dan kuyakini murninya nurani
I believe in my faith that the unvarnished self of mine
menjadi penunjuk jalanku
has become the direction of my way
lentera jiwaku.
The lantern of my soul.

Ok guys. Don't let the grass grow under your feet, decide and pursue your lantern of soul! :)

Idiom to notice :
1. Hand in glove
2. Get rid of the storm
3. Hang tough
4. Think out of the box
5. Let the grass grow under your feet